Biodiversity Week

NPWS is running a series of free events in Co Cork for Biodiversity Week (18th-26th May 2024). Further details:

  • Sun 19th May (4:15am-7am) – Bird & Breakfast with Jay Cornish (NPWS) and Two Green Shoots, Glengarriff Nature Reserve. Booking required: Click here
  • *SOLD OUT* Sun 19th May (10:30am-1pm) – Junior Rangers with Jay Cornish, Glengarriff Nature Reserve. Booking required: Click here
  • Mon 20th May (8pm-11pm) – BIOBLITZ, Kilkeran Lake & Castlefreke Dunes SAC. Bat walk and moths. Base camp: The Fish Basket
  • Tues 21st May (9am-5pm) – BIOBLITZ & Natura 2000 Day, Kilkeran Lake & Castlefreke Dunes SAC. Base camp: The Fish Basket. Flowers, birds, whales, lichens, invertebrates and more. Full details coming soon!
  • Fri 24th May (6:30pm-7:30pm) – Caint sa Choill, Coill Naomh Gobnatán, Baile Mhúirne. For more details: Click here
  • Sun 26th May (4:30am-6:30am) – Marina Greenway Dawn Bird Walk with Sam Bayley (NPWS), Cork City. For more details: Click here

Other Biodiversity Week events in Co Cork featuring NPWS staff/students:

  • Sat 18th May (12pm-1pm) – BIOFEST Chough Chat with Arcadie Filey (MSc Student), CECAS, Leap. Booking required: Click here
  • Sat 18th May (9:30pm-10:30pm) – BIOFEST Bat Walk with David Rees (NPWS), CECAS, Leap. Booking required: Click here
  • Sun 19th May (2pm-3pm) – Biodiversity Walk with Clare Heardman (NPWS), Mealagh Valley Heritage Day, Bantry. More details: Click here

For full details visit:

Biodiversity Week Events Poster