BioBlitz 2024

BioBlitz 2024 Programme - Kilkeran Lake and Castlefreke Dunes Join us Mon evening 20th May and all day Tues 21st May for an event to record as many species as possible in the company of experts, with a series of mini-events covering moths, birds, bats, newts, flowers, seaweeds, spiders, hoverflies, marine mammals and more!

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Biodiversity Week

NPWS is running a series of free events in Co Cork for Biodiversity Week (18th-26th May 2024). Further details: Sun 19th May (4:15am-7am) – Bird & Breakfast with Jay Cornish (NPWS) and Two Green Shoots, Glengarriff Nature Reserve. Booking required: Click here *SOLD OUT* Sun 19th May (10:30am-1pm) – Junior Rangers with Jay Cornish, Glengarriff Nature Reserve. Booking required: Click here Mon 20th May (8pm-11pm) – BIOBLITZ, Kilkeran Lake & Castlefreke Dunes SAC. Bat walk and moths. Base camp: The...

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Love This Place, Leave No Trace

Love this place, leave no trace poster

National Litter Awareness Campaign: We're always delighted by how much the vast majority of visitors to Glengarriff Woods respect this beautiful place. However, this is just a reminder to be vigilant and make sure you don't drop any litter including tissues, wet wipes, masks, etc. Read more about the National Awareness Campaign recently launched to promote responsible behaviour outdoors to combat an increase in littering nationally. #lovethisplace #leavenotrace

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Name the eaglet

Eagle having been tagged

Name the Glengarriff white-tailed eagle chick! Having been watched by thousands of people on our live EagleCam for 11 weeks, the Glengarriff white-tailed eagle chick fledged a month ago - and we are now looking for YOU to name her! The eagle chick is doing well and flying confidently, recently making her first trip to the mainland - her longest flight yet of around 2km. The chick’s mother was one of 100 chicks brought from Norway between 2007 and 2011...

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She’s fledged!

Eagle after flight

She's fledged! Our young eagle was 11 weeks old on the 1st of July and she marked her birthday by leaving the nest around 7:15pm the evening before. We didn't actually see her fly off and, indeed, a young white-tailed eagle's 'first flight' away from the nest is often more a case of hopping and flapping from branch to branch, and short glides to other trees. In the two days prior to leaving she had been clambering further and further...

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It’s a girl!

Eagle Tagging in action

It's a girl! The Glengarriff white-tailed sea eagle chick was tagged on Thursday 18th June. At 9 weeks old, she's around the same size and weight as an adult. Females eagles are larger than males but this chick was particularly large at a whopping 6.8kg! Like all Irish-bred chicks she has an orange tag on her left wing. On her right wing the purple tag indicates 2020 (eagle chicks tagged elsewhere in the country this year have the same colour combination)....

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Dad goes missing

Eagle named W with chick

Some of you may have noticed that the male (W) has not been seen of late. We can confirm that he has been away from the nest for the last three days. While unusual for the male to disappear while there is a chick in the nest it can happen, as Dave Sexton (RSPB Scotland) told us. "In the past, we've had males go missing during the breeding season. It could be for all sorts of reasons but being paired...

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Younger chick dies

White Tailed Eagles Nesting

Sad news: unfortunately the younger of the two eagle chicks didn't survive Wednesday night. The little chick had been struggling for a few days so we had started supplementary feeding and were hopeful that s/he would make it. The chick was still alive at 5:30pm on Wednesday, but the cold, wet weather that evening was probably the final straw. Dr Allan Mee, who manages the White-tailed Sea Eagle Reintroduction Programme said, “It's always disappointing and sad to lose a chick,...

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Eaglecam on RTÉ Six One News

RTE News report on EagleCam

On Tuesday 27th April, our eaglecam featured on RTÉ. As well as lovely clips of the chicks being fed from the webcam, an RTÉ cameraman captured fantastic footage of the adult eagles catching fish in Glengarriff Harbour. The piece also features interviews with Dr Allan Mee (White-tailed Sea Eagle Reintroduction Project Manager) and Clare Heardman (Conservation Ranger, NPWS). Thanks to RTÉ correspondent Paschal Sheehy for putting this good new piece together and Brendan O'Sullivan of the Harbour Queen. In order...

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New eagle blog!

A White Tailed Sea Eagle bearing an egg for hatching

To celebrate the hatching of a white-tailed sea eagle chick on Garnish Island on Wednesday 15th April, there's a lovely new blog page set up by the Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht: The Eagle Has Landed

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